Driven hunts in Tunisia, autumn/winter

Our services include hunts in Zaghouan, Nafidha, Siliana and Hammamet.

Are you interested in an unforgettable hunting experience in exotic North Africa? Then join Wild Experience in Tunisia!

5 hunting days, 6 nights in an all-inclusive hotel EUR 2,350/person + tip paid out to the beaters on the last day EUR 150/hunter

6 hunting days, 7 nights in an all-inclusive hotel EUR 2,400/person + tip paid out to the beaters on the last day EUR 175/hunter

Depending on where we hunt, the hunting grounds are located 10–120 km from the hotel.

The example below is a 6-day hunting trip package!

Day 1 is a travel day. If Lufthansa is used, we arrive at the hotel by 5:00 PM.

2. hunting
3. hunting
4. hunting
5. hunting
6. hunting
7. hunting
The hunting schedule is as follows:

  • departure from the hotel at 6:00–6:30 AM, transportation to location 30 min – 1hr 45 min, with the
  • hunt starting around 8:00 AM. Depending on the area, two longer drives or 3 medium drives.
  • We have a picnic at around 1:30 PM while the beaters collect the boars from the challenging mountain terrain.
  • After lunch, hunters get to take pictures of their prey and tag their trophies. Departure from the hunting grounds around 3:30 PM.
  • Extra amenities available at the hotel, including spa and massage. A small tour to the nearby region can be arranged as an added service. Our hotels are all-inclusive (Mehari Yasmine Hammamet *****), breakfast always at 5:30–5:45 AM
    Beer and Tunisian red, white or rosé wine is served at the field lunch, no hard liquor. 
    A hunter is not allowed to join the chain of hunters or a accompany a hunt if blood alcohol level exceeds 0.04.
    If a hunter runs late on the morning of a hunt, the group waits for 15 minutes and then takes off without the latecomer.

Enjoy wild boar hunts in Tunisia where a relaxing vacation meets the thrill of hunting.

The price does not include airfare.

Jani Salmi
JS Wildexperience / JJ Wildexperience Hunting Oy
+358 400 570 342